Easy Notes For Piano Beginners – Level 2


The Easy Notes theory books teach the notes on the piano keyboard and on the stave to beginners in their first year of tuition, right from the first lesson. The notes are taught using characters and stories that link to each note’s position on the keyboard and on the stave. This leads to the ability to instantly recognise four octaves of notes. The stories are fun to teach and kids love them. They spark the imagination, turning ‘boring’ notes into loveable characters and personalities. Level 1 teaches the C position and G position notes. Level 2 teaches the middle C position and high G position notes, plus the upper and lower ledger lines.

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The Easy Notes theory books teach the notes on the piano keyboard and on the stave to beginners in their first year of tuition, right from the first lesson. The notes are taught using characters and stories that link to each note’s position on the keyboard and on the stave. This leads to the ability to instantly recognise four octaves of notes. The stories are fun to teach and kids love them. They spark the imagination, turning ‘boring’ notes into loveable characters and personalities. Level 1 teaches the C position and G position notes. Level 2 teaches the middle C position and high G position notes, plus the upper and lower ledger lines.
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